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GeoDefender PRO Version 2.02 – Patch Notes

Release Date: Friday, July 5, 2024

New Features:

  • Enhanced Geo-Blocking Capabilities:

    • Improved accuracy and speed in blocking unauthorized geographical locations.
    • New customizable geo-blocking rules to allow for more granular control over access.
  • Task Scheduler Integration:

    • Automatic creation of a scheduled task to run GeoDefender PRO with administrative privileges at startup.
    • Ensures seamless and consistent protection right from system boot without user intervention.
  • Advanced Logging:

    • Enhanced logging system to provide detailed reports on blocked access attempts.
    • Logs can now be filtered by country, date, and type of threat for easier analysis.



  • User Interface:

    • Refined UI for better user experience and easier navigation.
    • Updated dashboard with real-time statistics and visual graphs for better insight into protection status.
  • Performance:

    • Optimized code to reduce CPU and memory usage, ensuring GeoDefender PRO runs smoothly alongside other applications.
    • Faster startup times and quicker response to access attempts.
  • Database Update:

    • Updated database for more accurate IP-to-country mappings.
    • New automated update mechanism for keeping the database current without manual intervention.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Issue with Windows Firewall Integration:

    • Resolved conflicts with certain Windows Firewall configurations that prevented proper blocking.
    • Improved compatibility with third-party firewall software.
  • Installer and Uninstaller Enhancements:

    • Improved installer to handle various system configurations more gracefully.
    • Uninstaller now properly removes all registry entries and scheduled tasks created during installation.
  • Minor UI Bug Fixes:

    • Addressed issues with misaligned text and buttons in certain screen resolutions.
    • Fixed occasional crashes when accessing the settings menu.


Security Updates:

  • Enhanced Security Protocols:
    • Improved encryption methods for storing and transmitting data securely.
    • Additional checks and validations to prevent unauthorized access and manipulation.



Thank you for using GeoDefender PRO. We are committed to providing the best protection for your system.

If you encounter any issues or have feedback, please visit our support page.



Operating System: Windows 10


Internet: 1 MB/s

Hard Drive: 50 MB available HD space

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